Academic Programs

Postgraduate Degrees

The Department of East Asian Studies in the College of Humanities offers PhD and MA degrees specializing in Buddhist Studies. All prospective applicants should consult and apply through the Department of East Asian Studies.


Undergraduate Minor

The College of Humanities offers a Buddhist Studies minor for undergraduates. This is an interdisciplinary program, featuring offerings from the departments of East Asian Studies and Religious Studies.

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Study Abroad

In addition, we offer summer study abroad programs focusing on Buddhism: Arizona in Kyoto and Arizona in Bhutan. 

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We offer the following Buddhist Studies related curriculum at the University of Arizona. In addition to language instruction for the major Buddhist languages of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, the College of Humanities and other units in the University of Arizona offer the following courses in Buddhist studies. Please consult the current curriculum for updates of course offerings at

Category I: Undergraduate Courses on Buddhism
  • EAS 160A1 Worlds of Buddhism
  • EAS/RELI 222  Introduction to Zen Buddhism
  • EAS/RELI 333 Buddhist Meditation Traditions
  • EAS/RELI 484A History of East Asian Buddhism I
  • EAS/RELI 484B History of East Asian Buddhism II
  • JPN/RELI 485 Japanese Religions: Ancient
  • JPN/RELI 486 Japanese Religions: Medieval
  • RELI/EAS 358 Tibetan Buddhism
  • RELI/EAS 482 Tantric Buddhism
Category II: Courses with significant Buddhist content
  • EAS/RELI 130 Asian Religions
  • JPN/RELI 220 Religion in Japanese Society
  • RELI 230  Religions and Cultures of India
  • EAS 220 Korean Religion and Culture
  • CHN/RELI 241 Introduction to Chinese Religions
  • JPN 311 Death in Traditional Japanese Literature
  • JPN/RELI 489 History of Japanese Religions: Modern
  • OIA: Contemplative Pedagogy:  A Course in Theory and Applied Practice
Category III: Graduate level courses
  • EAS/RELI 584A: History of East Asian Buddhism I
  • EAS/RELI 584B History of East Asian Buddhism II
  • EAS 596A Topics in East Asian Buddhism
  • JPN/RELI 585 Japanese Religions: Ancient
  • JPN/RELI 586 Japanese Religions: Medieval
  • RELI/EAS 582 Tantric Buddhism