The Center for Buddhist Studies is proud to organize and co-host the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2022 Annual Conference, which will be held on Friday, September 16 - Sunday, September 18, 2022, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. The theme of this year is “The Digital World in an Age of Uncertainty: Humanizing Technology for Wellness, Resilience, and Creativity.” The registration for PNC 2022 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings is now open! The Conference will begin with the keynote speeches (open to the public), followed by parallel sessions and ECAI workshops. Please use the following link for regular registration: https://sites.google.com/view/pnc-2022/registration?authuser=0
Because the University of Arizona is the hosting institution, the PNC secretariat has generously granted registration fee waiver for UArizona students to encourage student participation. (The regular student fee is $80USD). We strongly encourage UArizona students to take this learning opportunity and register through the following link by Aug. 31. https://conference.iis.sinica.edu.tw/servlet/Register?ConferenceID=401&RegisterPosGroup=is
We are also looking for volunteers who can provide on-side conference assistance. If you are interested, please contact us at buddhist-studies@arizona.edu. No special skills are required. Volunteers who can handle conference equipment, videotaping, live streaming, and bus driving are particularly welcomed and may be paid for their services.
This event is also co-sponsored by Department of East Asian Studies, Center for Digital Humanities, College of Humanities; Center for Digital Society and Data Studies, School of Information, University of Arizona, USA; Academia Sinica, Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI), Ministry of Education, Taiwan; IEEE Tucson Section AP/MTT/COM/EMC Joint Chapter, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).