The Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Arizona would like to thank for the donation of Professor Tu Cheng-min’s 杜正民 (known as Aming Tu) posthumous book Healing Through Hearing the Dharma: 10 Lessons on Life and Death as Taught by the Buddha 法的療愈:佛陀教我的10堂生死課 from Professor Tu’s relatives. Professor Tu taught at Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan for many years and was Executive Director of the Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA). Professor Tu passed away in 2016, which is a great loss to Buddhist Studies. To celebrate his contribution to the study of the Chinese Buddhist canon, a volume edited by Jiang Wu and Greg Wilkinson, titled Reinventing the Tripitaka: Transformation of the Buddhist Canon in Modern East Asia (Lexington 2018), has been dedicated to him.
For details of Prof. Tu’s book, click the link at: http://www.eslite.com/product.aspx?pgid=1001180692654555
Here is the link of a video commemorating Professor Tu from Dharma Drum Mountain TV.
Here is another link to memorize Professor Tu.