Dear Friends of the Center for Buddhist Studies,
Please join us on Thursday, May 4th, 2023 for a conference titled Fluid Borders, Shifting Visions: China-Japan Trans-regional Religions. The event is made possible by the support of the Japan Foundation and various UA departments.
DATE: Thursday, May 4th, 2023
TIME: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Arizona Time)
LOCATION: Environment and Natural Resources Bldg. (ENR2) Room S225
(1064 E. Lowell St., Tucson)
CBS will sponsor Panel 3:
In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of Ingen Ryūki’s Passing (03:30 – 5:00)
• “Remembrance as Reignition: On the Periphery of the Making of the Art of Ōbaku” by Sinéad Vilbar, Cleveland Museum of Art (via Zoom)
• “Prognosticating the Past: Yinyuan Longqi, Chen Tuan, and Emperor Reigen, through the lens of the Obaku Text, Tōzuihen” by James Baskind, University of Arizona Center for Buddhist Studies
• “The Nagasaki Trade of the Buddhist Books in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries as Seen from the Hakusai shomoku: With Special Attention to the Purchase of the Jiaxing Canon and the Role of the Ōbaku Monks” by Jiang Wu, University of Arizona
For more information, see the flyer.