Dear friends and followers of UArizona Center for Buddhist Studies,
We thank you for your continuous support. As a token of appreciation and a gift of gratitude, we would like to present you a free E-Book: a collection of all issues of the Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter published in the year 2021.
Please see below if you would like to receive a free copy:
For non-subscribers, please register for our email list (http://eepurl.com/gb2yaD) and the E-Book file will be available for download in the confirmation message.
For our active subscribers in “Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter,” an email has already been sent to you. Simply enter one email of a friend that you wish to forward our information to. After submitting the required information, the E-Book file will be sent to your email address.
This free E-Book is a gift created for UArizona Center for Buddhist Studies email list subscribers only. Please do not share publicly. We would love to hear from you about your thoughts and comments. Please send them to our email address at buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu. This E-Book offer will be available for November only. More E-Books are coming in the future and will be free for our subscribers.
[Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter]
The purpose of this newsletter is to present academic information about the research, collation, collection, and digitalization of Chinese Buddhist canons and scriptures. This newsletter is a professional information exchange platform for the study of Chinese Buddhist canons. Its content will include the following:
Publication information, including books, essays, reviews, dissertations, etc.
Conference information
Scholar information introducing scholars’ achievements, exchange of ideas, suggestions, and proposals
Research projects, such as project proposals, project introductions, etc.
Current canon collections in World Libraries and Museums
New findings of the scholarship on the Chinese Buddhist canon and related literature in public and private collections and auctions
If you would like to receive monthly emails on this topic, please sign up for our email list at http://eepurl.com/gb2yaD and select the group "Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter." For those who have already signed up for our email list, please update your preferences to include "Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter."