
Nov. 21, 2022
We would like to announce the publication of a new volume, Approaches to Chan, Sŏn, and Zen Studies: Chinese Chan Buddhism and Its Spread throughout East Asia (SUNY Press, 2022). This volume is a comprehensive treatment of the shared…
Nov. 16, 2022
Congratulations to our junior fellow, Dr. Jinhui Wu, for successfully acquiring a position at Reed College! She is now a visiting assistant professor of Chinese and Humanities in the Chinese Department.   Dr. Jinhui Wu graduated from the…
Nov. 15, 2022
Dear Friends,  We are glad to announce that the 3rd issue of the 2022 news digest for the UA Center for Buddhist Studies has been published. This news digest presents recent conferences, new research, focused initiatives, and various lecture…
Nov. 14, 2022
The lectures of Dr. Robert Sharf and Dr. Elizabeth Horton Sharf on Nov. 15th, 16th are cancelled. They will be rescheduled in the new year. Please follow us on social media to receive future updates:  Ōbaku Ingen website at: ingen.…
Nov. 9, 2022
Welcome to the Center for Buddhist Studies Community Wellness Digest! In this monthly email, we share wisdom from Buddhist teachings you can use in your daily life, wellness tips, and information about university and community events. After a…
Nov. 5, 2022
Dr. John Johnston, the Senior Fellow at the Center for Buddhist Studies, is doing fieldwork on visual arts research in Ōbaku Temple (Manpukuji) in Uji, Japan now. He shared on his Instagram a post about a special annual ritual on the birth date…
Nov. 2, 2022
This spring, University of Arizona Master of Science in Urban Planning student Glenn Ingram, recent Master of Landscape Architecture graduate Mattea Wallace and Associate Professor Philip Stoker, working with UArizona East Asian Studies Professor…
Oct. 28, 2022
Originally written by Jakrasurak Chantaravong in 2008 and expanded, updated and translated by Chanon Adsanatham in 2020, The Vessel of Light: A Guide to Wisdom-Enhancing Architecture and Objects of Siri Wattana Wisut Forest Monastery of Princess…
Oct. 26, 2022
[Book title] Searching for the Body: A Contemporary Perspective on Tibetan Buddhist Tantra Columbia University Press, October 2022 Abstract: In the early fifteenth century, two Tibetan monks debated how to transform the body ritually into…
Oct. 20, 2022
[IMPORTANT UPDATE: The in-person location and time of Dr. Graham’s lecture have been changed to 2:30 pm, Silver and Sage Room, Old Main. The zoom link remains the same. Please note that the updated information is in red font in the updated…
Oct. 17, 2022
[IMPORTANT UPDATE: The location of Dr. Dachille’s lecture has been changed to Kachina Lounge, Student Union.]   Dear Friends of the Center for Buddhist Studies,   Please join us on October 31st at 4 pm in Kachina Lounge,…
Oct. 10, 2022
Dear friends and followers of UArizona Center for Buddhist Studies, We thank you for your continuous support. As a token of appreciation and a gift of gratitude, we would like to present you a free E-Book of an interview with Stephen Batchelor, a…