
Nov. 3, 2021
Dear Friends,  We are glad to announce that the 3rd issue of the 2021 news digest for the UA Center for Buddhist Studies has been published. This news digest presents recent conferences, new research, focused initiatives, and various lecture…
Oct. 27, 2021
Topic: The Beginning of Modern Buddhist Canon Compilations: A History of the Ōbaku Canon 黃檗藏 in East Asia and the West Talk Description: Although the creation of various modern Buddhist canons, such as the Taishō canon, is well-known in East Asia,…
Oct. 20, 2021
2021 CONFERENCE Thursday, December 9, 2021 to Saturday, December 11, 2021 Zoom event (please register via the website or click the link below to receive zoom link to the symposium) It is our pleasure to announce that The Center for Buddhist Studies…
Oct. 11, 2021
Jinhui Wu, a recent Ph.D. graduate in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Arizona, wins the 2021 Khyentse Foundation Student Award. Jinhui studies Buddhism with a focus on early modern Chinese Buddhist literature…
Oct. 6, 2021
The University of Arizona Center for Buddhist Studies proudly joins thirteen other international institutions in co-hosting the International Conference on the Digital Humanities for Historical Works and Sinographs. Date: Friday, October 15, 2021,…
Oct. 3, 2021
Join the University of Arizona Center for Buddhist Studies for our Pu Yin Lecture Series Fall 2021 No. 2 TRUTH IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER: SEDUCTIVE WRITING AND THE BIRTH OF CHAN (ZEN) BUDDHISM IN THE TANG DYNASTY Dr. Alan Cole,…
Oct. 1, 2021
We are happy to announce that we are presenting our grant-winning project (awarded by College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture, see at this year’s Western Conference…
Sept. 29, 2021
Welcome to the Center for Buddhist Studies Community Wellness Digest! In this monthly email, we will share wisdom from Buddhist teachings you can use in your daily life, wellness tips, and information about university and community events. We…
Sept. 27, 2021
CBS is pleased to welcome Dr. John Johnston as a new fellow of the Center. Dr. Johnston is a curator and historian of East Asian art and Buddhist visual and material culture. He received his PhD from SOAS, University of London in the History of Art…
Sept. 22, 2021
Dharma and Method: Buddhism and its Surroundings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (In Chinese) Ed. By Jiang Wu, Qiyuan Wang Fudan University Press, July 2021  《佛法與方法:明清佛教及周邊》 吳疆、王啓元  編 復旦大學出版社,2021年7月出版…
Sept. 20, 2021
Hangzhou has long been a crucially important cultural and economic hub in China and Hangzhou’s cultural prominence in East Asia is inextricably linked to its Buddhist heritage, which has long expanded beyond the monastery walls and has come to…
Sept. 15, 2021
Special GIS Panel on Hangzhou Buddhism at PNC Annual Conference   We are happy to announce that we are invited to present our grant-winning project (awarded by College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture, see https://cbs…