Job Information: Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies at The University of Macau

Aug. 22, 2018
Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies
Chinese or Asian Philosophies and Religions
(Reference No.:FAH/RS/FAAP/08/2018)
Academic Position

The University of Macau (UM) is the flagship public university in Macao, which gives it a unique advantage in pursuing the goal of becoming a world-class university with regional characteristics. English is the working language. In recent years, UM has made significant progress and has gained increasing international recognition for its teaching, research, and community service. To better support higher education development in Macao and to meet society’s ever-increasing demand for high-quality professionals, UM in 2014 relocated to the current campus which covers approximately 1.09 km². The large campus, the implementation of Asia’s largest residential college system, the unique ‘4-in-1’ education model combine to provide a multifaceted education to students to help them achieve well-rounded development. In addition to adopting a governance and management system in line with international standards and practices, UM recruits outstanding scholars worldwide to create a multilingual and multicultural learning environment for students. Recently, UM has appointed a world renowned scholar as Rector to lead the University in its next stage of development. With the new Rector’s rich experience in higher education management and global vision, as well as the new developments and initiatives of the University, UM is faced with unprecedented opportunities and provides exciting new possibilities for professional development. 

The Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme of the Faculty of Arts invites applications for the position of Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies. The desired area of specialization is Chinese or Asian Philosophies and Religions. The area of competence is open.

In addition to an undergraduate Minor programme in Philosophy and Religious Studies, the Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme actively participates in the University-wide General Education programme and offers PhD supervision across the range of the department’s expertise in both Eastern and Western philosophical and religious traditions and methodologies.

Applicants must hold a PhD in Philosophy or in a related area. Applicants should have an excellent record of tertiary teaching and supervision experience and a distinguished record of research and publication at an international level. Applications with specialization in Chinese or Asian Philosophies and Religions will be considered. Fluency in English and Chinese is expected.

The selected candidate is expected to assume duty in August 2019.

Position and Remuneration
Remuneration and appointment rank offered will be competitive and commensurate with the successful applicants’ academic qualification, current position and professional experience. The current local maximum income tax rate is 12% but is effectively around 5% - 7% after various discretionary exemptions.

Application Procedure
Applicants should visit for more details, and apply ONLINE at Career@UM( (Ref. No.: FAH/RS/FAAP/08/2018). When applying, please upload a cover letter, a current CV (with English translations wherever relevant) and a writing sample (i.e. 'Research Work/Publication'). Other documents may be submitted as needed or as available. Review of applications will commence on 01 October, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. Applicants may consider their applications not successful if they were not invited for an interview within 3 months of application. 


Human Resources Section, Office of Administration
University of Macau, Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Website:;  Email:
Tel: +853 8822 8553;  Fax: +853 8822 2412

The effective position and salary index are subject to the Personnel Statute of the University of Macau in force. The University of Macau reserves the right not to appoint a candidate. Applicants with less qualification and experience can be offered lower positions under special circumstances.

***Personal data provided by applicants will be kept confidential and used for recruitment purpose only***
** Under the equal condition of qualifications and experience, priority will be given to Macao permanent residents**