Nan Ouyang, the program coordinator in the Center for Buddhist Studies, received 2017-2018 College of Humanities Graduate Student Research Grant at the University of Arizona. As a PhD candidate in the Department of East Asian Studies, Ouyang works on Chinese Buddhism in late imperial China. Her proposed project, “The Making of a Sacred Place: The Rise of Mount Jiuhua in the Ming-Qing Period and Republican Era (1368-1949)” was selected for support at the amount of $5,000. The dissertation project examines the historical transformation of Mount Jiuhua from a local attraction to a national pilgrimage destination associated with Dizang (Sanskrit: Kṣitigarbha; Japanese: Jizō) Bodhisattva. Ouyang works with Dr. Jiang Wu, Dr. Albert Welter, and Dr. Takashi Miura in the Center for Buddhist Studies at UA, and Dr. Daoqin Tong in geography at ASU. She plans to defend her dissertation next year.
Nan Ouyang Received 2017-2018 COH Graduate Student Research Grant
Dec. 8, 2017