Dharma and Method: Buddhism and its Surroundings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (In Chinese)
Ed. By Jiang Wu, Qiyuan Wang
Fudan University Press, July 2021
吳疆、王啓元 編
This book, published in Chinese, is a collection of papers from the 45th visiting scholars’ workshop at the Center for the International Study of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University. It is a collection of studies on Buddhism and other diverse religious traditions in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, covering the latest research on religious texts, history, and doctrine. The book intends to create a new narrative of Buddhism in later periods based on historical studies of figures, events, and texts. It also adopts various approaches and categories from political history, regional history, history of mentality, microhistory, and religious studies. This book not only promotes research on Ming-Qing Buddhism from a multi-disciplinary perspective but also emphasizes the role of Confucianism, Daoism, and Christianity in the study of Ming-Qing Buddhism.
Table of Contents 目錄
Concepts and Methods 觀念與方法
Ding, Ming 定明. 「Transmission of Lamp and Orthodoxy: The Construction of the Genealogy and Characteristics of the Spread of Huayan Studies in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (傳燈與正統:明清華嚴學譜系建構與傳承特點).」
Wu, Jiang 吳疆. 「The Emergence of ‘Textual Ideal’ and the Formation of ‘Textual Community’: An Explanation of the Rise and Fall of Zen Buddhism in the 17th Century (「文字理念」的勃興與「文字社群」的形成:對於17世紀禪宗興衰的一種解釋).」
Neng, Ren 能仁. 「A Divine Transmission: Mt. Wutai and Guxin Ruxin’s (1541-1615) Campaign on Vinaya Revival (神聖傳承:五台山與古心如馨(1541—1615)的戒學中興運動).」
Yang, Qilin 楊奇霖. 「A Discussion on the Relationship between Emperor Yongzheng and Buddhism: Methods and Materials for the Study of Buddhist History in the Qing Dynasty (雍正帝與佛教關係論綱——兼論清代佛教史研究的方法與材料).」
Tang, Mingjun 湯銘鈞. 「The Concept of ‘Neng Li’ in Chinese Hetuvidyā: A New Investigation Based on Sanskrit and Tibetan Materials (漢傳因明的「能立」概念——基於梵藏資料的新考察).」
Patriarchs and Classics 宗師與經典
Huang, Yi-hsun 黃繹勳. 「New Materials and Perspectives in Buddhist Studies in the Ming and Qing: A Case on Chan Master Shuokui’s Letters (明清佛教研究新文獻與新審思——以碩揆禪師尺牘為例).」
Jian, Kaiting 簡凱廷. 「A Preliminary Study of the Circulation and Reception of Late Ming Yogacara Works in the Edo Period (晚明唯識學作品在江戶時代的流傳與接受初探).」Ven. Fa Chuang 法幢. 「Re-acquainting the 「Tripitaka:」 Exploring the Compilation, Formation and Characteristics of the Jingshan Canon (「大藏經」的再認識——探索《徑山藏》編撰、成書與特點).」
Zhang, Dewei 張德偉. 「A New Exploration of the Carving History of the Jiaxing Canon at Mt. Wutai (《嘉興藏》五台山刊刻史新探).」
Wang, Qiyuan 王啓元. 「The Friendship of Cangxue and Muzeng: The Propagation and Publication of the Huayan Chanyi in the Late Ming (蒼雪與木增的交遊——圍繞《華嚴懺儀》在晚明的傳播與刊刻).」
Lu, Chenye 陸辰葉. 「A Discussion on Tsongkhapa’s Shi shifa wushu songshi (略論宗喀巴《事師法五十頌釋》).」
Buddhism and Confucianism 佛教與儒道
Li, Tiangang 李天綱. 「The Coalesce of the Three Religions: Religious Attitudes of Literati (三教通體:士大夫的宗教態度).」
Wang, Gang 王崗. 「Local Longmen Sect in Yunnan from the late Ming and early Qing (晚明初清雲南地方龍門派).」
Xu, Wei 許蔚. 「From Gods to Saints: Luo Nianan’s Cultivation Experience, Literary Expression, and Identity Recognition (從神仙到聖人——羅念庵的修持經驗、文學表達與身份認同).」
Xu, Bo 徐波. 「Intellectual Syncretism in the Late Ming in the Perspective of the East and the West: Centering on Liu Zongzhou’s Renpu (古今中西視域下的晚明多元思想交融——以劉宗周《人譜》為中心).」
Sun, Guozhu 孫國柱. 「A New Approach to the Study of “taochan” in the Ming and the Qing: A Discussion of the Relationship from the Three Teachings (明清之際「逃禪」現象研究方法新探——以三教關係為視角的討論).」
Qin, Guoshuai 秦國帥. 「Recreation and New Image: A Preliminary Discussion on Reprinting the Story of Wang Chongyang and his Seven Disciples in the Late Qing and the Republican Era (再創作與新形象:清末民國時期王重陽及全真七子故事的重刊初論).」
Buddhism and Society 佛教與社會
Zhang, Weiran and Wang, Mingqiang 張偉然、王明強. 「Incense Pilgrimage Market in Shanghai from the Late Qing to WWII (晚清至抗戰前的上海香市).」
Wu, Nengchang 巫能昌. 「A Preliminary Study on the Causes of Sculpting Deities in Xiangzhong since the Qing Dynasty (清代以來湘中神像雕刻原因初探).」