On February 25, 2022, the Japanese Imperial Household Agency bestowed upon Yinyuan Longqi (隱元隆琦 1592-1673, Ingen Ryūki in Japanese), the founder of the Obaku sect of Zen Buddhism, a new title “Venerable Master Gento” (Gento Daishi 厳統大師) with the Emperor's Imperial Seal stamped on the certificate. This is the seventh time that Zen Master Ingen, the Chinese monk who founded the Obaku sect of Zen Buddhism in Japan, has received a title from the Imperial Family.
For a report in Japanese, please go to https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220227/ddl/k26/040/219000c.
The year 2022 marks the 350th death anniversary of Zen Master Yinyuan Longqi (隱元隆琦 1592-1673, Ingen Ryūki in Japanese). The anniversary of an eminent master’s death is an important occasion for commemoration in much of the Buddhist world. Special ceremonies and events will be held in both Japan and China to honor this great Zen master. In North America, the Center for Buddhist Studies, College of Humanities at the University of Arizona is organizing a series of commemorative events which will run for one year beginning May 3, 2022. These events will present and explore the extraordinary life of Zen Master Yinyuan and the great achievements of the Huangbo 黃檗 tradition (better known as the Ōbaku school in Japanese) of Zen Buddhism that he pioneered in China and Japan. These events highlight the intersection between religion, art, and culture in China and Japan and will be presented in both online and offline formats. Activities will include an online exhibition of works of art related to the Ōbaku tradition, academic lectures, musical performances, and tea-related events.