The Center for Buddhist Studies is proud to co-host the:
Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2022
The Digital World in an Age of Uncertainty:
Humanizing Technology for Wellness, Resilience, and Creativity
Friday, September 16 - Sunday, September 18, 2022
The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Proposal Form (file in the link)
PNC 2022 is hosted jointly by the College of Humanities of the University of Arizona and the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC). The local organizers are the Center for Buddhist Studies and Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Arizona.
Submissions will be accepted for paper presentations, workshops and poster sessions. A special prize will be set up for the best posters.
Topics of Interest:
Digital Learning
Information Science and E-business
Digital Humanities
Techno-cultural Data in a Post-pandemic World
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: May 31, 2022
Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2022
Camera Ready: July 31, 2022
Please choose the topic(s) that best describes the subject of your proposed session (multiple selections accepted) and clearly specify the format to present, either in-person in Tucson or online. There is no hybrid option. If you are a UArizona affiliate, please kindly complete the form and return to the PNC Secretariat at pnc@gate.sinica.edu.tw by May 31, 2022. If you are not UArizona affiliated, please use the submission system at the Conference website.
Conveners who would like to submit a session proposal, please invite at least two speakers for each session. PNC Program Committee would add and assign speakers with similar interests to join a session if necessary.
**Please note that for University of Arizona participants, you will need to fill out the proposal form and send directly to the secretariat email address pnc@gate.sinica.edu.tw by May 31, 2022 to enjoy registration waivers and other benefits for local hosts.
This event is also co-sponsored by School of Information, Center for Digital Society and Data Studies, Center for Digital Humanities, University of Arizona, USA.