It is our great pleasure to announce that the PNC 2022 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings will take place in Tucson, USA from September 16-18 (Friday-Sunday), 2022. The main theme is The Digital World in an Age of Uncertainty: Humanizing Technology for Wellness, Resilience, and Creativity. The program will focus on topics including (but not limited to) Digital Learning, Information Science and E-business, Digital Humanities and Techno-cultural Data in a Post-pandemic World.
Click here to view the program at a glance.
For a detailed program, please see: https://sites.google.com/view/pnc-2022/detailed-program?authuser=0&fbcl…
1. All presentations marked “online” will be available only for the in-person or on-site audience except the keynote speeches.
2. There would a hardcopy version of the conference handbook we are going to hand out to you. It contains an detailed program (as of September 2), campus maps, and important information. It does not reflect any last-minute changes. For such changes, check our online conference program page.
View latest information: https://sites.google.com/view/pnc-2022/latest-information?authuser=0&fb…