The recording of "Webinar Series 3 -- Mapping the Global East" is now available online on the YouTube channel of the Center on Religion and the Global East (CRGE) at Purdue University (https://youtu.be/vstQ14JeN14?feature=shared).
The Center on Religion and the Global East hosted the third webinar in its Mapping the Global East series on Sept 21. The three speakers are affiliated with the University of Arizona and spoke on the strategies of mapping religions of East Asia.
Webinar Series 3 -- Mapping the Global East:
* Creating a Digital Atlas of Buddhism in Hangzhou China Using the Regional Religious Framework, by Philip Stoker
* Mapping Temple Amalgamation with Historical GIS: A Spatial Interpretation of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s Institutional Reform, by Jeffery (Wei) Liu
* Measuring the Prestige Index in a Regional Religious System, by Jiang Wu