The year 2022 marks the 350th anniversary of Master Yiyuan Longqi’s (Ingen Ryūki, 1952-1673) death. On this important occasion, the Journal of Studies on Fujianese Entrepreneurs Culture (Minshang wenhua yanjiu闽商文化研究), working closely with the Huangbo (Ōbaku) Study Association and the Huangbo (Ōbaku) Academy, published a special issue on the Huangbo (Ōbaku) Studies at the end of 2021. This volume includes international research on Huangbo Chan (Ōbaku Zen) and summaries and translations of valuable historical sources on the Huangbo (Ōbaku) Studies. In this special issue, CBS director Dr. Jiang Wu published an academic article on the past and future of academic research on Chan Master Yinyuan and his Huangbo (Ōbaku) school. In addition, CBS fellow Dr. Jinhui Wu published a book review on academic studies of the Huangbo (Ōbaku) tradition.
The Journal of Studies on Fujianese Entrepreneurs Culture is an academic journal published by the Research Institute of Fujianese Entrepreneurs Culture in Fuzhou University. The following is the table of content of this special issue:
Table of Content
栏目一 特稿
Column One: Feature Articles
Foreword: Thoughts on Establishing the Field of Ōbaku Studies……Ven. Dingming
Preface of Academic Series of International Research on Huangbo Chan (Ōbaku Zen)……Ven. Dingming
“A True Hero is always a Genuine Man.” — In Search of Qian Sule……Ven. Huikang
隐元禅师和黄檗宗研究的回顾和展望 吴疆
The Past and Future of Academic Research on Chan Master Yinyuan and his Huangbo (Ōbaku) School……Wu Jiang
栏目二 黄檗学研究
Column Two: Huangbo (Ōbaku) Studies
黄檗宗东传与中日佛学对话的文化影响力论析……陶金 孙银璐
On the Eastward Transmission of the Ōbaku School and the Cultural Influence of the Sino-Japanese Buddhist Exchanges……Tao Jin, Sun Yinlu
On Yinyuan’s Chan Thoughts…… Huang Kunwei
“Somersault” and “Lion Pounce” —Yinyuan’s Expression of Enlightenment and the Instructional Style of the Linji Tradition
Yinyuan and Ryōkei Shōsen—On the Motivations of Ryōkei Shōsen in Supporting Yinyuan’s Founding of the Ōbaku School……Yang Qingqing
“Leek and Liquor Forbidden Beyond the Temple Gate"―Study on the Boundary Stone Markers……(Japan) Nogawa Hiroyuki
The Huxiyan Temple Branch of the Ōbaku School in Xiamen in the View of the Maritime Silk Road……Huang Xianian
栏目三 黄檗史料编译
Column Three: Summary and Translation of the Huangbo (Ōbaku) Historical Sources
Collection of Newly Discovered Historical Sources and Manuscripts for the Ōbaku Studies in 2021……Bai Yuze
黄檗树……[日]伊藤笃太郎撰 李贺敏译
Ōbaku Tree……(Japan) Itō Tokutarō, Trans. Li Hemin
黄檗僧山田玉田一行的闽台之旅……[日]山田玉田撰 倪霞译
Ōbaku Monk Yamada Tamada’s Trip to Fujian and Taiwan……(Japan) Yamada Tamada, Trans. Ni Xia
煎茶早指南……[日]瓦砾舍主人撰 王慧杰译
Quick Guide to Sencha (Sencha hayashinan)……(Japan) Garekisha shujin, Trans. Wang Huijie
花道黄檗未生流真空之卷……[日]花道黄檗未生流流祖黄檗斋公甫撰 王慧杰译
Foral Art Ōbaku Mishō-ryū: Shinku Daishi……(Japan) Patriarch of the Foral Art Ōbaku Mishō-ryū Founder Ōbaku Saipo (Mishōsai Ippo)……(Japan) Trans. Wang Huijie
An Overview of Academic Works on the Ōbaku School……Wu Jinhui
Color Illustration
In Search of the Burial Site of Qian Sule