On Nov. 9, 2018, the University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins wrote a letter to Ven. Guangquan, abbot of Lingyin Temple and president of Hangzhou Buddhist Academy, to offer congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the founding of Hangzhou Buddhist Academy in Hangzhou, China. President Robbins reiterated in his letter that "The UA is 100% committed to preparing students for success…We put their education first by making sure they have hands-on learning experiences driven by partnerships with community and business leaders and the advances of UA faculty in fields ranging from the space sciences and health sciences to the humanities, arts and social sciences." President Robbins' letter was read during the ceremony held on Nov. 14, 2018 in Hangzhou, China. Dr. Jiang Wu also presented a gift to Ven. Guangquan during a previous trip on October 29.
Hangzhou Buddhist Academy was previously named Hangzhou Wulin Buddhist Academy and was initiated by Ven. Taixu and Ven. Juzan in 1946. In 2005, it was officially renamed as Hangzhou Buddhist Academy.
Photo courtesy of The Executive Office of the President, The University of Arizona