UACBS Faculty and Students Attending the 2020 AAR Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of American Academy of Religion is going to be held online in November 29–December 10, 2020. Congratulations to the following affiliated faculty and students who are going to present at the conference. For more details in the program book, follow the link: https://papers.aarweb.org/sites/default/files/general/PDF-Program-Book.pdf
Albert Welter
Theme: Old Paths and New Directions in Zen Studies: Celebrating Over Four Decades of Scholarship by Steven Heine
Tuesday, December 1, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM (EST UTC-5)
Theme: Narrative Crossing: From Literary to Visual Arts
Presentation Title: An Indian Buddhist Imaginaire in Hangzhou China and the Transformation of East Asian Buddhism
Wednesday, December 2, 1:45 PM-3:15 PM (EST UTC-5)
Takashi Miura
Theme: Beyond Kami and Buddhas: Demons, Ghosts, and Vengeful Spirits in the Study of Japanese Religions
Presentation Title: Fearing the Powerless: Sakura Sōgorō and the Rise of Peasant Onryō in Early Modern Japan
Monday, November 30, 6:15 PM-7:45 PM (EST UTC-5)
Caleb Simmons
Theme: Rethinking Navaratri
Tuesday, December 1, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM (EST UTC-5)
Rae Dachille
Theme: New Research in Tibetan and Himalayan Religions
Presentation Title: Counting the Way to Liberation: Distinguishing the Thirteenth Bhūmi in Fifteenth-Century Tibet
Monday, December 7, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM (EST UTC-5)
Lu Zhang
Zen Reading Group: 7th Annual Meeting
Wednesday, December 2, 1:30 PM-3:30 PM (EST UTC-5)