The editorial team of the Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter (CBCRN), sponsored by the Center for Buddhist Studies, would like to announce that Dr. Bryan Lowe will join our advisory board. Bryan Lowe is an assistant professor in the Department of Religion, Princeton University. He specializes in Buddhism in ancient Japan (seventh through ninth centuries) and has broader research interests in ritual, manuscript studies, historiography, canons, and the religion of non-elites. Dr. Lowe’s first book, Ritualized Writing: Buddhist Practice and Scriptural Cultures in Ancient Japan, received the John Whitney Hall Book Prize from the Association of Asian Studies. He will provide expertise in Japanese sources, and we sincerely thank him for his future contribution.
At the same time, Dr. Lewis Lancaster will retire from our committee. Dr. Lancaster turns 90 years old this year. We thank him for his dedication, exemplary scholarship and leadership in the field. We will have a special celebration at our upcoming PNC annual conference at the University of Arizona (Sept. 16-18) in honor of Dr. Lancaster. Hope to see some of you soon.
The Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter, created in 2021 by Dr. Jiang Wu and sponsored by the Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Arizona, presents academic information about the research, collation, collection, and digitalization of Chinese Buddhist canons and scriptures. This newsletter is a professional information exchange platform for the study of Chinese Buddhist canons. Its content will include the following:
- Publication information, including books, essays, reviews, dissertations, etc.
- Conference information
- Scholar information introducing scholars’ achievements, exchange of ideas, suggestions, and proposals
- Research projects, such as project proposals, project introductions, etc.
- Current canon collections in World Libraries and Museums
- New findings of the scholarship on the Chinese Buddhist canon and related literature in public and private collections and auctions
As we prepare this newsletter, our community is facing unprecedented challenges. We are grateful that you have continued to support our research Center during the pandemic. If you are willing to support the Chinese Buddhist canon research or sponsor the publication of this newsletter, please consider DONATING NOW.
If you would like to receive monthly emails on this topic, please sign up for our email list at http://eepurl.com/gb2yaD and select the group "Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter." For those who have already signed up for our email list, please update your preferences to include "Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter." All the past issues are posted on this page athttps://cbs.arizona.edu/buddhist-canon-studies