Formation of Academic Advisory Board for the Center for Buddhist Studies

May 2, 2018

It is a delight to announce that the Academic Advisory Board for the Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Arizona has been officially formed.


The board is composed of eight professors working on Buddhism, American religions, and cultural studies from world-renowned universities: Jiang Wu (professor in Department of East Asian Studies and director of Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Arizona), Albert Welter (Professor and Department Head of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona), James Benn (Professor of Department of Religious Studies at McMaster University), Ann Heirman (Professor at Ghent University), Roger Ames (Humanities Chair at Peking University, a Berggruen Fellow, and former Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i), Lewis Lancaster (Professor Emeritus of Department of East Asian Languages at the University of California at Berkeley), Karen Seat (Professor and Department Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Classics, University of Arizona), and Javier D. Durán (Professor of Spanish and Border Studies, University of Arizona).


To learn more about these professors, see the link: