Dean of the College of Humanities Alain-Philippe Durand and Director of the Center for Buddhist Studies Jiang Wu attended the award ceremony for the essay competition “Ci - Chinese character of Compassion” hosted by the Maitreya Culture & Education Foundation in Hong Kong on May 4, 2019. Two of UA students, undergraduate Rob Lisak and graduate student Yi Liu also presented their essays in the ceremony and received their awards. During this event, Dean Durand and Director Wu signed an agreement with Prof. Andrew Wong from the Maitreya Culture & Education Foundation Ltd. to establish a Maitreya Library at the University of Arizona in the near future. Dean Durand and Director Wu thanked Mr. Wong for his generosity and explored future possibilities of in-depth collaborations with the foundation in the area of Buddhist philosophy. To celebrate the tenth-year anniversary since the founding of the Maitreya Culture & Education Foundation, Dean Durand presented a gift to Prof. Wong on behalf of the College of Humanities and the Center for Buddhist Studies.
For details of the award ceremony, see a link to a press release in Chinese: http://www.pusa123.com/pusa/news/dujia/122212.shtml?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0