Welcome back, Wildcats and friends! We hope you all are well and ready for the new semester. Heartfelt thanks to all of you who supported us in the past. For starters, we would like to kick off this new semester by announcing the fall schedule of our Lingyin Buddhist Studies Lecture Series. All events are public and free of charge. Please mark your calendar and sign up our email list at buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu or follow our Facebook or Twitter page to receive updates.
Lingyin Buddhist Studies Lecture Series, Fall, 2019
Date and Time: Sept. 17, 3:30-5pm
Location: Room 350, Mordern Languages Building
Title:"How to Deal with the Upheavals in Life from the Buddhist Perspective"
Speaker: Ven. Hui Dong, Abbot, Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai temple, Los Angeles, USA
Date and Time: Oct. 8, 3:30-5pm
Location: Silver and Sage room, Old Main
Title:“The artist-monk Hongyi and His Intersecting Social Worlds in Early Twentieth-century Hangzhou: a kaleidoscopic approach”
Speaker, Raoul Birnbaum, Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz
Date: October 28th at 7pm
Location: Holsclaw Hall in the music building
Title:“Shakuhachi Performance by Shawn Head”
Performer: Shawn Renzoh Head, Composer, Shakuhachi Performer, and Lecturer
Date and Time: Nov. 18, 3:30-5pm
Location: TBA
Title: “Tibetan Esotericism and Chinese Exotericism in Tangut Buddhism”
Speaker: Weirong Shen, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.