We want to thank Ven. Hui Dong of Hsi Lai Temple for supporting us during this difficult time with 500 protective face masks donated to the UArizona Center for Buddhist Studies. Venerable Hui Dong is the Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple, which is located in Los Angeles, California. Fo Guang Shan, which literally means "the Buddha's Light Mountain," is one of the largest Buddhist Orders in the world, with its headquarters located in Taiwan. As the first overseas branch temple of Fo Guang Shan in the West, Hsi Lai Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the Western hemisphere. Ven. Hui Dong visited our center in Sept. 2019 and delivered a lecture titled “How to Deal with the Upheavals in Life from the Buddhist Perspective.” His compassionate and generous gift is greatly appreciated and will help protect people in need within our local community.
Because of the limited number of masks available, we will be distributing them for free as follows:
Registration: Anyone in need of face masks can register first by emailing buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu as soon as possible. Please provide your name and the number of masks you need (maximum of 5 masks). Please only request what you need so that we may help as many people as we can.
Distribution: The Center for Buddhist Studies will confirm with you if your request can be filled based on availability. Once confirmed, we will distribute your masks in an open and safe location and notify you the time and address to pick up. We will keep record of all requests and work to provide masks to everyone who needs them. The remaining masks will be donated to the University of Arizona Surgery Department at Banner Home Health.
Social Distancing: We will notify you through email a specific time to pick up your masks with the intent of limiting the gathering size. Please arrive promptly at your scheduled time and depart after you receive your masks. For the protection of our volunteers and our community, please do not congregate in the distribution area and always follow the 6-foot minimum social distancing requirement during pick-up.
We would like to thank Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple once again for this compassionate act as we stand together to overcome the unprecedented obstacles. We look forward to getting through soon.
Our hearts knit as one. Stay calm and healthy.
Center for Buddhist Studies
The University of Arizona