In collaboration with Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, the Center for Buddhist Studies is promoting a free online course entitled “An Introduction to Contemplative Care” developed and taught by Koshin Paley Ellison, MFA, LMSW, DMIN and Robert Chodo Campbell in partnership with the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care. If you want to take this opportunity, please go to the following website to register. https://integrativemedicine.arizona.edu/online_courses/contemplative_care.html
A certificate of participation is available upon completion. If you need translation of course content into Chinese or have other requests, please contact buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu for further assistance. This online course is offered for free until May 1st, 2020. Discounts are available after May 1. Please email to receive your coupon code.
Contemplative care is an approach to care giving that incorporates mindfulness practice, compassionate action, and moment-to-moment awareness while in relationship with the one being cared for. It is rooted in Buddhist practices of meditation and contemplation.
Using these practices, contemplative care seeks to transform palliative and end-of-life care, both at the individual level and system-wide, across communities and healthcare organizations. By shifting the emphasis towards the wellbeing of everyone involved in giving care to the dying, contemplative care calls on practitioners to engage their work as a process encompassing action, reflection, and contemplation.