As many of you know, April is “National Volunteer Month.” The Center for Buddhist Studies wants to thank YOU for your continued volunteerism. During this time of great uncertainty, we want to seek your renewed support to the Center by volunteering your time and effort to assist us with various projects and activities. If you are currently a UArizona student, unpaid intern opportunities or credit may be available. We welcome any forms of contribution, particularly in the following areas:
- Translation in Chinese, Spanish, and other languages.
- Video editing and graphic design
- Digital content management
- Social media (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Podcast) and email marketing
- Online course design and management
- Data input and GIS specialists
- Library cataloging and management
- Event coordination
All works can be done remotely and hours are flexible. Volunteers will have free access to the Center’s resources and priority participation in all public and private events. You will also enjoy significant discounts for any fee-based programs offered through the Center. Training, equipment, cost of supplies will be provided for specialized projects.
If you are interested, please email us at buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu and indicate your specialty, volunteering hours available per week, your contact information, and any other questions and requests. We are looking forward to your support.
Please be safe, stay at home and stay healthy. We look forward to the time we can see each other again soon.
The Center for Buddhist Studies
The College of Humanities, The University of Arizona