The University of Arizona offers a wide range of courses in Buddhist Studies and related subjects for undergraduates and graduate students. Listed below are the courses being offered in fall 2020. For more information, please contact the Center for Buddhist Studies at (520) 621-9820 or buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu. To confirm availability and to enroll in any of the courses, visit UAccess.
Category I: Undergraduate courses on Buddhism
EAS 160A1 The Worlds of Buddhism
EAS 222/RELI 222 Introduction to Zen Buddhism
EAS 358/RELI 358 Tibetan Buddhism
EAS 359/RELI 359 Buddhism and Healing
EAS 402/RELI 402 East Asian Buddhism in Regional Perspective
JPN 308/RELI 308 Does Pikachu Have a Buddha Nature? Buddhism in Japan
Category II: Courses with significant Buddhist content
CHN 241/RELI 241 Introduction to Chinese Religions
EAS 160A3 Chinese Civilization
RELI 160D3 Love in World Religions
RELI 160D4 Introduction to World Religions
SBS 301A Foundations of Mindfulness
SBS 301B The Mindful Semester: Mindfulness Based Study Tools
SBS 301C The Mindful Semester: Mindfulness Based Movement
Category III: Graduate level courses
EAS 502 East Asian Buddhism in Regional Perspective
EAS 596A Topics in East Asian Buddhism