Lead Musician: He-Yi 何怡, Vocal & Guqin (Chinese Zither)
This event will be broadcast twice in two different times and platforms for North American and Asian audiences respectively. You are welcome to join any of the performances. For other time zones, please use a time zone converter, as Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings Time.
To receive a link to view the concert and an electronic program book in English and Chinese, please sign up for our email list here: http://eepurl.com/gb2yaD. You should receive a Zoom link automatically. If you are already on our list, you should have received the link. This link will allow you to access all of our 2020 fall events. No need to register multiple times.
American Premiere and Viewing Platform:
Date/Time in Arizona: Nov. 7, 2020, 7 pm - 8 pm (MST)
Center for Buddhist Studies Youtube Channel, Facebook, Zoom
Asian Premiere and Viewing Platform:
Date/Time in Beijing: 2020, Nov. 7, 7 pm - 8 pm (BST)
Ms. He-Yi’s bilibili channel.
Supported by:
Lingyin Temple, Hangzhou, China
Lingyin Buddhist Studies Lecture Series, Center for Buddhist Studies,
University of Arizona
American Culture & Ideas Initiative, Fred Fox School of Music, University of Arizona
Poetry Center, College of Humanities, University of Arizona
Department of East Asian Studies, College of Humanities, University of Arizona
- “Ding Feng Bo” 定風波 (Calming Wave and Wind), lyrics by Su Shi 蘇軾 (1037-1101),Hangzhou Mayor, composed by Jin Wei, 3’30
- “An Xiang” 暗香 (Fragrance from Somewhere Unseen), lyrics and music composed by Jiang Kui 姜夔 (1155-1221), resident of Hangzhou, adapted by Liu Qing, 4’30
- “Gu Yuan” 古怨 (Ancient Lament), lyrics and music composed by Jiang Kui, resident of Hangzhou, transcribed by Wu Wenguang, 4’00
- “Zhu Zhi Yin” 竹枝吟 (Song of Bamboo Twigs), lyrics by Liu Yuxi 劉禹錫 (772-842), music from Master Donggao’s Musical Notation for Chinese Zither (Donggao qinpu/ Tōkō kinfu 東皋琴譜), a 17th century collection of Chinese music originating from Yongfu Temple in Hangzhou, transcribed by Wu Wenguang, 3’30
- “Qiu Feng Ci” 秋風辭 (Autumn Wind Lyrics), lyrics by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty 漢武帝 (156 BC-87 BC) from Master Donggao’s Musical Notation for Chinese Zither (Donggao qinpu/ Tōkō kinfu), transcribed by Lin Chen, 3’30
- “Waka” (Four Japanese Waka Songs) from Master Donggao’s Musical Notation for Chinese Zither (Donggao qinpu/ Tōkō kinfu), transcribed by Lin Chen, 5’00
“Fuji 富士,” lyrics by Yamabe no Akahito 山辺赤人 (8th century);
“Yamazato 山裏,” lyrics by Minamoto no Muneyuki Ason 源宗于朝臣 (10th century);
“Yamazakura 山櫻,” lyrics by Gyōson 行尊 (1055-1135);
“Haruno 春野,” lyrics by Emperor Kōkō 光孝天皇 (830-887)
- “Fenghuang tai shang yi chuixiao”鳳凰臺上憶吹簫 (Nostalgia for Fluting on the Phoenix Terrace), lyrics by Li Qingzhao 李清照 (1084-1155), music from Master Donggao’s Musical Notation for Chinese Zither (Donggao qinpu/ Tōkō kinfu), transcribed by He Yi, adapted by Liu Qing, 4’00
- “Lingyin si ge” 靈隱寺歌 (Song of Lingyin Temple), lyrics by Ven. Dingyuan/Wang Zhaoguo 定源 (王招國), former Lingyin Temple resident monk, professor at Shanghai Normal University, music composed by Qi Haodi