Educators looking to incorporate mindfulness into their courses or staff members seeking a regular meditation group on campus can find resources and support in the Contemplative Pedagogy: A Faculty/Professional Learning Community.
CPFLC creates a calendar of events throughout the year. Our center’s lectures are listed alongside meditation events, support groups for graduate students, and Buddhist study groups. Check out the fall 2020 calendar for more information: https://cpflc.arizona.edu/allevents.
Contemplative pedagogy involves the use of classroom practices that cultivate students’ attention, emotional regulation, and engagement with material, and that promote personal insight and mindful dialogue.
The group was launched in fall 2014 as a collaboration of the Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry and the Office of Instruction and Assessment, supported by a grant from The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society. Participation in the CPFLC is available to all faculty, staff and administrative personnel at the University of Arizona.