We are happy to announce that we are presenting our grant-winning project (awarded by College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture, see https://cbs.arizona.edu/news/mapping-buddhist-temples-grant) at this year’s Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies (WCAAS 2021) hosted by Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Three students who are also involved in the project will present their own research in Hangzhou Buddhism.
Presenters include Dr. Jiang Wu (Professor of Department of East Asian Studies and the Director of the Center for Buddhist Studies), Dr. Philip Stoker (Professor of Landscape and Architecture Planning), Lu Zhang (PhD Candidate, Department of East Asian Studies). Jeffrey Liu (PhD student, Department of East Asian Studies, Program Coordinator/ GIS editor for Center for Buddhist Studies), and Xinrui Zeng (PhD student, Department of East Asian Studies).
Conference Description:
The tumultuous events of this past year have upended societies around the world, inspiring reevaluations of past traditions as well as social, political, and cultural practices moving forward. For this conference, we invite proposals across a range of disciplines that seek to reevaluate the contexts within which our understanding of the cultural, historical, economic, and political conditions of Asia’s past, present, and future are based. We encourage proposals that deal with traditions in East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and other Asian regions; regional connections within Asia; and Asia’s interconnections with other world regions.
Conference website: https://wcaas2021.byu.edu
Panel Topic: GIS Approaches to Regional Religious Systems in Hangzhou, China
Panel time: Oct 9, 15:30--17:00 (Arizona time)
Oct 9, 18:30--20:00 (New York time)
Oct 10, 06:30--08:00 (Taipei/Shanghai time)
Oct 10, 07:30--09:00 (Tokyo time)
Please note that Arizona does not observe daylight saving time.
Zoom link: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/83180022567
Presenters & Title:
Dr. Jiang Wu & Dr. Philip Stoker, “Visualizing Regional Religious Systems (RRS): Mapping Hangzhou Buddhist Temples in a Digital Atlas.”
Lu Zhang, “Qiansui Baozhang in the Writing of the Chan Historiography and the Rise of Zhongtianzhu Monastery in the Song Dynasty.”
Jeffrey Liu, “Quantifying Qualitative Data in Buddhist Monastic Gazetteers: Visualizing the Wulin Fanzhi 武林梵志 via its Metadata.”
Xinrui Zeng, “From ‘Heaven’s Fire’ to ‘Human’s Fire’: The Changing Idea of Fire Disasters in Hangzhou.”
Discussant: Dr. James Baskind