Dear friends and followers of UArizona Center for Buddhist Studies,
We thank you for your continuous support. As a token of appreciation and a gift of gratitude, we would like to present you a free E-Book: a collection of all issues of the Community Wellness Digest published in the year 2021.
Please click here for the PDF file.
In this digest, we will share wisdom from Buddhist teachings you can use in your daily life, wellness tips, and information about university and community events. We welcome your feedback. Let us know what you think by emailing buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu.
If you would like to receive monthly emails on this topic, please sign up for our email list at http://eepurl.com/gb2yaD and select the group "Community, Health, and Wellness." For those who have already signed up for our email list, please update your preferences to include "Community, Health, and Wellness." If you have any suggestions or would like to contribute information, please email us at buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu.