Dear 2022 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Annual Meeting Attendees,
On behalf of the University of Arizona, I welcome you to the 2022 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Annual Meeting. It is an honor to host this meeting, and I congratulate you on the success of this event. The University of Arizona has always been proud to be our state’s land- grant university, but in this time of unprecedented change, it is not enough to just serve the people of our state. We are committed to being a public, global land-grant university, focused on developing shared solutions to our shared challenges. The conversations you will have at this meeting are an important exchange of ideas across cultures, and I commend you on participating in this endeavor.
At the University of Arizona, our strategic priorities are centered around the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the convergence of biological, digital, and physical realms, as well as the economic and societal change this convergence will cause. This year’s annual meeting theme, “The Digital World in an Age of Uncertainty: Humanizing Technology for Wellness, Resilience, and Creativity” is an ideal means of exploring these issues. We believe that our global partnerships will allow us to create access, promote student success, and provide opportunity around the world in order to take leadership in harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution to tackle the biggest challenges that we all face today.
I am particularly grateful to our Center for Buddhist Studies, Department of East Asian Studies, Center for Digital Humanities, and the School of Information, as well as our partners in Taiwan, for facilitating these efforts at this year’s Pacific Neighborhood Consortium meeting.
Thank you for visiting the University of Arizona. Best wishes for the rest of the meeting, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Robert C. Robbins