Time: 4pm-5:30pm.
Location: TBA.
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Oct. 24 (Monday)
Patricia Graham, University of Kansas
Topic: Ōbaku and Sencha
Oct. 31 (Monday)
Rae Dachille, University of Arizona
Topic: Body as Image: Navigating Representations through Buddhist Exegesis
(CANCELLED) Nov. 15 (Tuesday)
Robert Sharf, UC Berkeley
Topic: Thinking Through Zen Kōans
(CANCELLED) Nov. 14 (Monday)
Elizabeth Sharf, Independent Scholar
Topic: How to Read Ingen’s Portraits
(CANCELLED) Dec. 5 (Monday)
Francois Lachaud, French School of Asian Studies
Topic: The Emperor, the Abbess, and the Patriarch: The Ōbaku School and the Imperial Court in Kyōto
Sponsored by Obaku Ingen, Lingyin, and Pu Yin Buddhist Studies Lecture Series.