Welcome to the Center for Buddhist Studies Community Wellness Digest!
In this monthly email, we share wisdom from Buddhist teachings you can use in your daily life, wellness tips, and information about university and community events. After a successful launch in Spring 2021, we are expanding the newsletter with a team of expert contributors and new sections. Each month will feature a theme--this month we explore Zen Master Ingen Ryūki's 350th Death Anniversary and the Ōbaku School of Zen Buddhism.
The opinions expressed in the books, articles, and websites referenced in this newsletter are those of the original authors and publishers, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Center for Buddhist Studies, the editors, the editorial board, or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. If you have questions concerning these opinions, please contact the original authors and their publishers.
If you would like to receive monthly emails on this topic, please sign up for our email list here and select the group "Community Wellness Newsletter." For those who have already signed up for our email list, please update your preferences to include "Community Wellness Newsletter.
Click here for the PDF version.
Let us know what you think by emailing buddhist-studies@email.arizona.edu.
Jiang Wu
Director, Center for Buddhist Studies