[IMPORTANT UPDATE: PNC 2022 Premieres delayed]
The following premieres were delayed and new time will be announced shortly:
1. PNC 2022 Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech 1
Keynote Speech 1: Friday, September 16th, 2022 || 11:15-12:00 Arizona Time @Kachina Lounge, Student Union
Keynote Speaker: Academician Pao K. Wang
Title of Speech: Why Clouds Are Not Innocent
Keynote Speech 2: Saturday, September 17th, 2022 || 9:30-10:15 Arizona Time @Conf. Rm S107 ENR2
Speaker: Director Bryan Carter
Topic: A New Level of Presence: Volumetric and Holographic Video Capture and Broadcast
3. PNC 2022 Keynote Speech 3 & Closing Ceremony
Keynote Speech 3: Sunday, September 18th, 2022 || 9:30-10:15 Arizona Time @Conf. Rm S107 ENR2
Keynote Speaker: Academician Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng
Title of Speech: Cognitive Wellbeing in the Digital World: The Future is Now!