Co-host with the Department of East Asian Studies and the Center for Buddhist Studies, the Center for East Asian Studies will launch the EA Language and Culture Festival at UA Mall on February 8, 11 am- 2pm.
The Center for Buddhist Studies invites Sakura Tea Circle to perform a live demonstration of a tea ceremony at 12:00. Free Japanese mochi is served. Apart from the demonstration, we will have a Tea Making DIY activity (only 5 spots available) during 12:30-1:00 pm. Welcome to join us! This event is sponsored by Matcha.com, the Center for Buddhist Studies, the Department of East Asian Studies, and the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Arizona.
Sakura Tea Circle Members: Arlene Watkins (MC), Lia Chen (Host), Sachiko Suzuki (Assistant). Performance (Temae): Urasenke school, Ryurei Temae 裏千家、立礼点前
About Tea Ceremony:
The Japanese Tea Ceremony, also known as chado or chanoyu, is a traditional way to appreciate tea. With the host preparing and presenting the matcha tea to the guest, it is also considered an art for this ceremonial and cultural activity. The tea culture started from ancient China and the Buddhist monk brought this art back to Japan in the 9th century. Since then, Zen Buddhism has deeply influenced the development of the Japanese Tea Ceremony.
The Tea Ceremony is one of the three classical Japanese arts of refinement. Its central philosophy has been articulated by the Tea master, Sen Rikyu (千利休), in the late 16th century in the four principles: “harmony (和, wa), respect (敬, kei), purity (清, sei), and tranquility (寂, jaku).”
About 2023 East Asian Culture and Language Festival:
At this event, students will meet and talk with faculty members from CEAS and EAS, and learn more information about EAS courses, study abroad programs, our majors and minors. The event will also present you with the traditional East Asian live music, performances from our CJK language learning students, tea ceremony, and other fun activities in East Asian culture!
This event is open to public. All are welcome to attend!
Link: https://ceas.arizona.edu/events/east-asian-language-and-culture-festival
EAS 2023 Festival Flyer.pdf