The University of Arizona Department of East Asian Studies and the Center for Buddhist Studies invite applicants for qualified and interested graduate students to participate in a workshop on East Asian Buddhist Interactions: Focus on Greater Hangzhou Region connections with Japan during the Song/Kamakura-Muromachi Periods, to be held in Kyoto, Japan, May 21-28, 2023. While the focus is on Buddhist cultural interactions, those whose primary interests are outside Buddhism but whose research is otherwise connected to interactions during this period are also encouraged to apply. Assistance with funding for transportation to/from Kyoto and accommodation during the workshop will be provided, but applicants are encouraged to seek funds from other sources as complete funding cannot be guaranteed.
The primary language of the workshop will be English, with some knowledge of Chinese assumed and translation between Japanese and English, as necessary.
Applications should include:
* a statement of interest (one paragraph) relating to China/Japan interactions relating to Buddhism (at least peripherally), either current or anticipated.
* Please note any research and/or course work you have completed relating to the theme of the workshop.
* A current CV should be included with your application.
Please send applications c/o: Julian Tran, administrative assistant in the Department of East Asian Studies east-asian-studies@email.arizona.edu<mailto:east-asian-studies@email.arizona.edu>, by Monday, March 13th, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact Albert Welter (awelter@arizona.edu<mailto:awelter@arizona.edu>)
East Asian Buddhist Interactions:
Focus on Greater Hangzhou Region Connections with Japan
during the Song/Kamakura-Muromachi Periods
Place: Kyoto, Japan (May 21-29, 2023)
(Sponsored by the University of Arizona, Ryūkoku University 龍谷大学, and Hanazono University 花園大学, with generous support from the Khyentse Foundation)
The workshop is an extension of an original project focusing on Hangzhou Buddhist Culture funded by the Khyentse Foundation aimed at understanding the development of East Asian Buddhism through a focus on the Buddhism that developed in the Hangzhou region (Jiangnan). This extension of the project aims to look at the exceptionally rich resources relating to Hangzhou Buddhist culture in Kyoto. The project was originally conceived to incorporate impacts in Japan and Korea as important enhancements extending the reach of Hangzhou Buddhist culture throughout the region. When we look at the growth of Buddhist culture in Japan, especially during the Kamakura (1185-1333) period, we are not looking simply at Japanese Buddhism, but Japan as an outgrowth and extension of Hangzhou Buddhist culture, when Hangzhou was the capital of China during the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279).
The workshop is the result of partnerships between the University of Arizona, and Ryūkoku University 龍谷大学 and Hanazono University 花園大学, in Kyoto. The University of Arizona is home to the Center for Buddhist Studies, promoting academic research on Buddhist traditions and their related religious, intellectual, social, cultural, and artistic aspects around the world. Ryūkoku and Hanazono are two of the leading Buddhist sectarian universities in Japan representing Pure Land and Zen denominations, respectively. Ryukoku is home to the Institute of the Study of World Buddhist Culture. Hanazono is home to the International Research Institute of Zen Studies.
Workshop activities:
The week-long workshop will be comprised of: (1) lectures by Japanese and Western experts in Hangzhou/Kyoto Buddhist cultures); (2) site visits/data collection to important locations in Kyoto that figure prominently in the transplanting of Hangzhou Buddhist culture to Japan; and (3) a one-day research presentation workshop. Lectures will speak to aspects of the context that created the East Asian Buddhist cultural sphere with emphasis on Hangzhou/Kyoto Buddhist nexus. Site visits will be led by experts who will introduce the site, its importance, and the resources contained in it, including access to restricted areas (like libraries). The research presentation will give students and opportunity to present their own research and receive feedback from professors and colleagues.
Workshop goals:
* Graduate student networks
* U.S. and Western based graduate students will form groups with graduate students at Japanese universities in Kyoto interested in Hangzhou/Kyoto Buddhist culture, with an aim toward forming career enhancing networks, working together to gather data and formulate projects for future research endeavors. The purpose of the workshop is not just immediate, but aimed at planting seeds for future research and future research collaborations.
* Site visits and data collection
* Site visits play an important role in the workshop. The sites (monasteries) in Kyoto contain rich material resources, both textual and artistic. Working in groups, graduate students will catalogue the resources available that may be important to their own research. Kyoto monasteries contain some of the richest library resources in East Asia but the contents of these libraries are not well-known. Some of the earliest editions of well-known texts are contained in these libraries, including Song dynasty editions of important texts, works of art and calligraphy. Access to these materials will provide data for future research.
* Research presentations
* Students will present and receive feedback on their own current research projects.
* Future research
* At the conclusion of the workshop, students will be asked to imagine future research projects that incorporate what they have learned and the data they have collected. In this way, we hope to create the groundwork for transformative research and career long research networks that look at East Asian Buddhism beyond nationalistic boundaries and see Buddhism as the common currency of a trans-East Asian Buddhist culture growing out of the Hangzhou/Kyoto nexus.
Tentative Workshop Schedule
Arrive Kyoto京都着
PM: Welcome Reception歓迎レセプション(Ryūkoku 龍谷)
AM: Lectures 1 & 2 (Ryūkoku 龍谷)
* BABA, Norihisa馬場紀寿 (Tokyo University), Topic: Transregional maritime routes and Buddhism in East Asia 「東アジアにおける地域横断海路と仏教」
• George KEYWORTH (University of Saskatchewan), “Zen shōgyō聖教documents preserved in the libraries of temples, shrines, and shrine-temple complexes in medieval Japan” 「中世日本における寺院仏閣の蔵書に保存された禅宗聖教文書」
PM: Site Visit to Kennin-ji 建仁寺 (Keyworth)
KEYNOTE (Ryūkoku 龍谷): Bernard FAURE (Columbia University), "From Ennin to Enni: A Tale of Two Capital Cities" (tentative title) 「圓仁から圓爾へ二都物語」
AM: Lectures 3 & 4 (Sennyu-ji 泉涌寺)
* Albert WELTER (University of Arizona), “A Special Transmission Beyond Zen: Eisai as Construction Entrepreneur and Preserver of Dharma” 「禅外別伝:建築家と法保護者としての栄西」
• NISHITANI, Isao西谷功 (Hanazono University花園大学), “Southern Song Buddhism as seen by Sennyu-ji Monks” 「泉涌寺僧が見た南宋仏教」
PM: Site Visit to Sennyu-ji泉涌寺 (Nishitani 西谷)
KEYNOTE (Ryūkoku 龍谷): John JORGENSEN (Independent Scholar), "Myōshinji 妙心寺 and Jingshan-si 徑山寺as seen in the works of Mujaku Dōchu 無著道忠"「無著道忠の作品にみる妙心寺と徑山寺」
AM: Lectures 5 & 6 (Ryūkoku 龍谷)
* Jin Y. PARK (American University), “Ŭich’ŏn’s trip to Hangzhou and its impact on Korean Buddhism”「「義<https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/義>天<https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/天>の杭州旅行と韓国仏教への影響」
• DAKE, Mitsuya嵩満也 (Ryūkoku University龍谷大学), “The Impact of Southern Song (Hangzhou) Buddhism on Japanese Pure Land Transformational Movements in the 12th and 13th Centuries” 「南宋(杭州)仏教が12~13世紀日本の浄土変容運動に与えた影響」
PM: Site Visit to Nishi Hongan-ji 西本願寺 (Dake 嵩)
AM: Site Visit to Myōshin-ji 妙心寺 (Ogawa)
Zazen(坐禅) 花園大学禅堂 (Ogawa 小川)
PM: Lecture 7 & 8 (Hanazono)
· OGAWA, Taiyu 小川太龍 _(Hanazono University 花園大学), "Foods Eaten on the Anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment, Laba 「臘八” (臘八の食品)について」
· Thomas KIRCHNER (Hanazono University 花園大学), TBD, Topic: Lecture on translation「翻訳講座」
AM: Lectures 9 & 10 (Ryūkoku 龍谷)
* John JORGENSEN (Independent Scholar), “The Rise of Chan and Zen Philology: A Greater Hangzhou Connection?” 「禅の興隆と禅言語学:杭州圏の繋がり?」
• LIN Peiying (National Chengchi University 國立政治大學), TBD
PM: Site Visit Tōfuku-ji 東福寺 (Tōfuku-ji guides東福寺案内)
KEYNOTE (Ryūkoku 龍谷): Jin Y. PARK (American University), “Gender and Dharma Lineage: Nuns in Korean Sŏn Buddhism” 「性と法系統:韓国禪宗仏教の尼僧 」
TBD: Grad Student presentations 大学院生の発表 (Ryūkoku 龍谷)
Farewell Reception 送別会