
Sept. 13, 2021
Join the University of Arizona Center for Buddhist Studies for our  Pu Yin Lecture Series Fall 2021 No. 1   PERFECTION OF WISDOM AND THE CORONATION SACRIFICE: EMPTINESS AS POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY   Prof. Joseph Walser, Department of…
Sept. 9, 2021
UA’s Pioneering Role in Research on Meditation and Consciousness  At the University of Arizona, researchers have been carrying out groundbreaking investigations into the intersections of Buddhist practice and neuroscience for more than 25 years…
Sept. 9, 2021
By Manojkumar Saranathan   Dr. Saranathan, an MRI Physicist, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Imaging in the College of Medicine. He is a dedicated Soto Zen practitioner and longtime meditator. Imagine a group of men and…
Sept. 7, 2021
The University of Arizona Center for Buddhist Studies is pleased to announce: Fall 2021 Events Please note all lectures will take place as webinars, with links to be sent via our email list. Sign up here: Select the group “…
Aug. 31, 2021
It’s a familiar conundrum with beginning meditators: “I know that daily meditation practice will help me, but it’s so challenging and hard to stick with it!” The team at the SEMA (Sonication Enhanced Mindful Awareness) Lab at UA’s Center for…
Aug. 30, 2021
The University of Arizona Center for Buddhist Studies and Department of East Asian Studies are pleased to announce the recipients of the Khyentse Foundation Doctoral Fellowship for the 2021-2022 academic year. Lu Zhang (Left) and Youteng Bi (…
Aug. 24, 2021
UACBS Published the Sixth Issue of Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter We are pleased to release the sixth issue of a monthly Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter in August 2021. The purpose of this newsletter is to present academic…
Aug. 22, 2021
Lu Zhang is a PhD candidate studying Chinese Buddhism in the Department of East Asian Studies. Her dissertation, titled “Presenting the Buddha: The ‘Sages and Worthies as Incarnations’ in Chan Historiographies in Song China,” examines…
Aug. 20, 2021
Dr. Jiang Wu offers a lecture on Sep. 2, 2021, in which he examines the culture of Dao-learners in the mid- and late Tang society by focusing on Pei Xiu 裴休 (791-864), a literati follower of Buddhist teachers, the two most eminent among whom were…
Aug. 18, 2021
Fall 2021 Buddhist Studies courses offered at UA The University of Arizona offers a wide range of courses in Buddhist Studies and related subjects for undergraduates and graduate students. Listed below are the courses being offered in fall 2021. For…
May 27, 2021
Dear Friends,  We are glad to announce that the second issue of the 2021 news digest for the UA Center for Buddhist Studies has been published.  This news digest presents recent conferences, new research, focused initiatives, and various…
May 25, 2021
Happy Vesak Day! Buddhists all around the world celebrate this holiday to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Buddha. The date is determined by the Asian lunisolar calendar and this year falls on May 26, 2021.  One of the…