
May 6, 2020
The Center for Buddhist Studies is glad to post an interview that we conducted with Professor Raoul Birnbaum, Emeritus at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His research has concentrated on three great themes in the history of Chinese…
May 6, 2020
The Center for Buddhist Studies is glad to post an interview that we conducted with Professor Raoul Birnbaum, Emeritus at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His research has concentrated on three great themes in the history of Chinese…
May 2, 2020
Jinhui Wu is doctoral candidate and research associate of the Department of East Asian Studies. Her proposal, titled: “Chinese Buddhist Cosmology and Cosmography in Early Modern China— Translation of the Fajie anli tu,” submitted to…
April 25, 2020
As many of you know, April is “National Volunteer Month.” The Center for Buddhist Studies wants to thank YOU for your continued volunteerism. During this time of great uncertainty, we want to seek your renewed support to the Center by volunteering…
April 20, 2020
In collaboration with Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, the Center for Buddhist Studies is promoting a free online course entitled “An Introduction to Contemplative Care” developed and taught by Koshin Paley…
April 17, 2020
The Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies is holding a one-week online introduction to Pāli, from April 20-26. This course consists of seven tutorial sessions with Dr. Alexander Wynne, conducted live through Zoom, and pre-recorded material contained in…
April 13, 2020
This summer the faculty and staff of Maitripa College would like to send a message of love and empathy around the world by offering Classical Tibetan online and tuition free as a non-credit option for non-degree seeking students. For-…
April 10, 2020
We want to thank Ven. Hui Dong of Hsi Lai Temple for supporting us during this difficult time with 500 protective face masks donated to the UArizona Center for Buddhist Studies. Venerable Hui Dong is the Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple, which…
April 9, 2020
The University of Arizona Center for Buddhist Studies is excited to help spread the word about a great podcast series put out by the Andrew Weil Center for Integrated Medicine, an important colleague with the center in the advancement of alternative…
March 30, 2020
Lu Zhang, a Ph.D. candidate and University Fellow from the Department of East Asian Studies received the College of Humanities Spring 2020 Graduate Student Research Grant at the University of Arizona. Her project entitled “The Copying and…
March 21, 2020
The University of Arizona’s Center for Buddhist Studies proudly stands with our entire community as we rise together to face the challenges of these difficult times.  In all forms of Buddhism, compassion is a quality that is of singular…
March 16, 2020
The Center acquired a set of rare translation notes of The Record of Linji (Rinzai Roku) in the summer of 2017. These translation notes were the collaborative work of Ruth Fuller Sasaki, Philip Yampolsky, Burton Watson, Gary Snyder, Iriya Yoshitaka…