
Jan. 17, 2020
Please join us for a talk by our CBS fellow, Prof. Robert Edward Gordon on January 23. Title: Poverty, the Spirit, and the History of Art The problem of poverty continues to be a perennial one for civil societies around the globe. It has been…
Jan. 14, 2020
Happy new year and welcome back to the Spring semester. Please note that we have an upcoming lecture in our EAS Colloquium Series on January 24. The lecture is cosponsored by the Center for Buddhist Studies and the Department of East Asian Studies…
Jan. 14, 2020
Prof. Jiang Wu published the paperback edition of his Spreading Buddha’s Word in East Asia: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon (New York: Columbia University Press, 2019). This book follows the making of the Chinese…
Jan. 1, 2020
Dear faculty, staff, students, and friends of the Center for Buddhist Studies, Time flies. It is again the moment to reflect on our achievement in the past year and the time to look forward to a New Year with joy and hope. In 2019, the Center for…
Dec. 21, 2019
CBS is pleased to welcome Anthony Tribe our new fellow. Dr. Anthony Tribe is an independent scholar and fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He received his Ph.D. from Oxford University (1995), and has taught at…
Dec. 21, 2019
Dr. Alison Jameson attended the 7th Symposium on Humanistic Buddhism in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 1-3. She presented "Transcending Borders: Using Regional and Ethnographic Studies to Envision the Future of Humanistic Buddhism."   The Fo Guang Shan…
Dec. 21, 2019
Dear Friends of the Center for Buddhist Studies, Can we count on you to help us this year while celebrating holidays? As a friend of the Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Arizona, you have shown that you care about keeping connected…
Dec. 10, 2019
SASLI is pleased to announce that our student application for 2020 is officially open! SASLI, based at the University of Wisconsin Madison, is an eight week intensive summer language program, offering courses in the following languages:…
Dec. 8, 2019
Center for Buddhist Studies Dr. Caleb Simmons (Ph.D. in Religion, University of Florida), specializes in religion in South Asia, especially Hinduism. His research specialties span religion and state-formation in medieval and colonial India to…
Dec. 8, 2019
We are happy to announce that Center for Buddhist Studies faculty Dr. Takashi Miura has published his book Agents of World Renewal: The Rise of Yonaoshi Gods in Japan this year with many accolades from the academic community.  Dr. Miura received his…
Nov. 30, 2019
Jinhui Wu, doctoral candidate and research associate of the Department of East Asian Studies, was recently awarded the 2019-2020 College of Humanities Graduate Student Research Grant at the University of Arizona. Jinhui works on literature and…
Nov. 30, 2019
Prof. Chia-lin Pao Tao, the senior fellow of the Center for Buddhist Studies, was invited to attend the Foguangshan University Presidents Forum in Taiwan, 11/5-11/8. The major theme of the Forum is “The Responsibility of the Buddhist universities…