Reflections 2023: Annual Newsletter from the CBS
We are pleased to announce that the 2023 Center for Buddhist Studies newsletter has been published. In the newsletter, we present news about recent conferences, new research, focused initiatives, student achievements, and various lecture series related to global Buddhist Studies. The newsletter is published at the beginning of each calendar year, so make sure to get your copy to get the latest information on advancements in this exciting and evolving field of study.
Click here for the PDF version
To receive a hard copy, please email: buddhist-studies@arizona.edu
In the new year we have lined up several exciting events and I would like to call your attention to some highlights. A special online concert for celebrating Master Yinyuan’s life will feature the Japanese monk-musician Kanho Yakushiji and will be premiered through our Center’s Youtube channel in late January. The Ōbaku Ingen lecture series and online art exhibition will continue in the new year as well, featuring the private collections of Dr. Harald Conrad and Dr. Stuart Katz. With the support from Matcha.com, we will also launch a tea research program to investigate how East Asian ways of tea- drinking have changed American life and world culture.