
Jataka conference
June 5, 2024
Tales of past lives of the Buddha explored in detail at the academic conference "The Jataka Tradition of Thailand" brilliantly organized by PBIC, Thammasat University in Bangkok and co-sponsored by CBS.  
canon no. 30
May 23, 2024
[UACBS Published the 30th Issue of Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter] The 30th issue presents readers with current academic information on books and research papers, auction in Spring 2024, digitization of the Buddhist canon as well as the…
3 H
May 21, 2024
The Health Humanities Hub (H3) is a new exciting College of Humanities’ (COH) initiative to promote the College’s health, wellness and medical humanities projects and programs as well as collaborations between the College of Medicine-Tucson, the…
Jeffrey defense
May 17, 2024
Congrats to Jeffrey Liu for successfully defending his PhD dissertation titled "Mapping Buddhist Temples in Ming Dynasty Hangzhou: A Regional Study of a Buddhist Monastic Gazetteer the Wulin Fanzhi." In Fall 2024, Jeffrey Liu will begin his role as…
HuangBo Exhibition of Ink-works
May 15, 2024
We're delighted to share the news that "This Moment of Eternity: An Exhibition of Ink-works from the HuangBo Chan Sect 現成即栗:明清黄檗宗墨迹展" is now showcasing in Shanghai! Experience the beauty and tranquility of ancient Chinese Chan art, brought to you by…
canon no. 29
May 13, 2024
[UACBS Published the 29th Issue of Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter] The 29th issue presents readers with current academic information on books and research papers, auctions, digitization of the Buddhist canon as well as Buddhist canon…
May 13, 2024
Congratulations to the 2024 graduates of the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Arizona (EAS)! It's heartwarming to witness numerous EAS graduate students, faculty, friends, and parents coming together to celebrate this special…
Ven Changzhong award
May 8, 2024
Ven. Changzhong 常鐘法師 (Shin Lee), a recent MA graduate in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Arizona, wins the 2024 Khyentse Foundation Student Award. The award was granted in an award ceremony hosted by The Department of East…
May 1, 2024
Congrats to our EAS alumnus Dr. Jinhui Wu for publishing a book review in Religious Studies Review (RSR). It is part of the RSR "Buddhism and Race" symposium. Check it out here:
April 29, 2024
We're delighted to spread the word about an upcoming event by the Center for Consciousness Studies: The Center for Consciousness Studies and the Undergraduate Program in Consciousness studies invite you to a special webinar presentation by three…
Lu Zhang defense
April 24, 2024
Congrats to Lu Zhang for successfully defending her PhD dissertation titled “From “A Separate Transmission” to “An All-Embracing Teaching”: A Study on the “Yinghua Shengxian” Sections in Song Chan Historiographies.”  Committee members:Dr. Albert…
recording of "Webinar Series 3 -- Mapping the Global East"
April 22, 2024
The recording of "Webinar Series 3 -- Mapping the Global East" is now available online on the YouTube channel of the Center on Religion and the Global East (CRGE) at Purdue University ( The Center on…